Healthcare Reimagined

Dr. Sanjay Subramanian - Founder and CEO, Omnicure MD

Season 2 Episode 8

Dr. Sanjay Subramanian is the founder of OmnicureMD. Omnicure is a mobile first Tele-ICU platform that allows remote specialist to connect to connect with onsite healthcare providers without excessive costs. 

Dr. Subramanian started the company to address the inefficiencies he observed over his 25 year career as a critical care doctor.  Omnicure makes it easy for specialists to connect with patients by effectively  “Zooming” the specialist in with PCP and nurse practitioners.

During our conversation, we discussed regulatory Barriers, which Dr. Subramanian described as the biggest issue he has had to confront in trying to grow the company. Every state has its own unique licensing requirements, which further contributes to the lack of accessibility of critical care physicians.   Dr. Subramanian stated that the critical care physician shortage will never go away, and it will only hurt the patients who are in need of critical care. COVID helped
accelerate tele-health technology, but  according to Dr. Subramani, permanent systems need to be put in place.

In addition to physician shortages, high costs also prevent hospitals from having sufficient (or even any) critical care doctors on staff.  With Omnicure, with the push of a button, hospitals can access critical care specialists,  which has been shown to lower patient mortality rates and lengths of stay.

Omnicure can interface with the existing hospital EHR's, and can stream real time vital sign data and bedside-monitor-device data. While Omnicure is deployed and working today, it is also preparing for the future. As we discussed the move away from the hospital, Dr. Subramanian noted that you can provide tele-critical care anywhere. Not just in the hospital or ICU.